Od početka ove školske godine, učenica VII 7 razreda OŠ „Drago Milović“, Nikolina Višić osvojila je više različitih nagrada. Jedna je osvojeno prvo mjesto na svjetskom likovno-literarnom konkursu “Anime character design competition” u Hong Kongu.
Neophodno je bilo dizajnirati animirani lik i uz njega na engleskom priložiti priču o njegovom životu. Po prozicijama konkursa priča se trebala sastojati od najmanje 300 riječi.
„Dizajnirala sam Lejlu, Boginju moći, rad uz priču sam poslala putem e-maila. Da sam, kako oni kažu, šampion obaviještena sam putem WhatsApp-a“, objasnila je Nikolina.
Na konkurs je pristiglo preko 350 radova iz cijelog svijeta. Ušesnici su mogli rad nacrtati bojicama, olovkom, naslikati temperama, akvarel bojama, uljanim bojama ili ga dizajnirati digitalno. Cilj ovog konkursa je bio da mladi ljudi pokazu svoju kreativnost kroz razlicite tehnike , dizajnirajuci lika iz mašte.
„Na Willkommen-njemačko, austrijskom, kulturno-edukativnom centru, na 9 Internacionalnom takmičenju jezika osvojila sam I mjesto iz engleskog na nivou države. Takmičenje se održalo online, a e- mailom sam obaviještena da sam osvojila I mjesto, samim tim sam direktno u finalu, odnosno u drugom krugu u Bečz 13.i 14.,novembra gdje ću predstavljati Crnu Goru“, rekla je Nikolina.
Ona je učestovala i na likovnom konkursu Pepita Ramone u Đenovi. Zadatak je bio da se nacrta žena sa naočarima i kačketom/šeširom. Crtež je uradila običenom grafitnom olovkom.
„Rad sam poslala putem e-maila, obavješetna sam da mi se rad našao među najljepšim i da će ga podijeliti na njihov društvenim mrezama“, navela je Nikolina.
Goddess of Powers
My character is Leila, She is a goddess of Powers. She has super strength, super speed, animal transformation ability, she controls the elements, is a goddess of thunder and she is a genius. From a young age she has been a warrior. Brave girl fighting for her loved ones. On her way were a lot of challenges, but nothing stopped her from protecting her people. Her life was in one hand easy with those abilities, but in other hand it was very hard. There is so much pressure, everyone was expecting the best from her, but they didn’t understand her pain. As I said she was carrying so much pressure on her back, also her mother died when Leila was a child, her brother was kidnapped and killed and her sister disappeared. Only person left was her dad, he was her support, her home. But she kept protecting her people, and winning every fight, she was getting stronger each day. One day wise, but evil man got jealous of her powers and fame, so he created a plan to destroy her. He knew that she was stronger than him, but he also knew her weakness, her dad. He poisoned her dad, and he died before Leila got home from a fight. When she found out that her dad has been poisoned, she disappeared in sadness and never came back. But some people still believe that she will come again to protect them like she used to.